My Cousins

My cousins live in London, Ontario so I don't usually see them. They are the best cousins ever!

1. Nick

Nick is a very funny cousin. He is the oldest of all three of them. He has 1 brother and 1 sister. We sometimes call him Nick Nick. He is a 13-year old. He is a rubix-cube solver and his favorite color is blue. He and his brother love playing Fortnite πŸ™„. Nick is an awesome cousin!!!!!

2. Ben

Ben is the second oldest in his family. He is a fun cousin to play with and is a huge Harry Potter fan. He is 11 years old and also a rubix-cube solver. Whenever we go to his house we have a nerf gun fight game that he made up. When we play that we try to shoot each other with nerf guns. Ben is a so great cousin!!

3. Jessie

Jessie is the best cousin ever! She is a huge slime fan like me. She is 10 years old and her birthday is in June. Jessie and I like to watch baking shows like Nailed It! or Sugar Rush. We love to paint and do artsy crafts.  She loves reading Minecraft books and Harry Potter. She is a really awesome cousin to have!!!!!!!!


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