How to Be Productive

 Is this how you are sometimes?


Yeah, me too, most of the time teehee. Here's 7 ways to beat procastination and to become a productive master! I also wanted to say I found all of these pictures on Google.
must be productive, must be productive

When my dad tells me to "Stop the video games, stop watching Youtube! DO SOME PRODUCTIVE WORK!!!!!" I usually struggle to find something productive to do. This is why I came up with this blog post to help you guys to become more productive!

1. Learn a new language

Cmon, spice things up a little! It'll be fun! I recommend learning a new language on I've been doing it for almost three weeks and I've learned quite a bit of French in that period of time. You can also learn Spanish, German, and much more!

2. Reading!

Know it or not, reading fiction is actually really productive! So is non-fiction or course, but fiction books can increase your creativity and can show you the world in a whole new perspective. Reading non-fiction can increase your knowledge, but scientific studies show that fiction can help us become more empathetic and develop better social skills. Okay, enough with the boring facts. Let's move on to the third way to be productive!

4. Start a blog!

Yes!!! I'm serious! Blogging is SUPER productive because you're producing stories and things to read for other people. There are many blogging sites and I use because my dad uses it and it's just really simple to use. Finding a topic for your blog is sometimes hard, so I usually just write about my everyday life. You can write about your hobbies, for example, if you like baking you can definitely write about some of your secret secret recipes so I can bake them muahahhaha πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜πŸ˜.

5. Paint/Draw

Painting, Drawing, Watercolouring, all of those are productive. Even if you don't like drawing or painting, you can always try it out! You never know. Whether it's digital, or just the normal kind, it's always great to just scribble and doodle. If you're a professional painter, you can even sell your paintings and if it's your passion, make a living out of it.

6. Write a Story or Comic

Writing a book is definitely one of the MOST productive things you can do, especially if you're publishing it in a newspaper article, or just writing it as a hobby! Writing stories help you expand your creativity and learn new vocabulary! I write a lot, and let me tell you, it helps when writing essays for school, or reports for work (if you work 😜😜).

7. Just take a walk!

Okay, okay, okay. Walking isn't productive, but you get excersise and breathe fresh air. It also helps you have a more productive day and this blog is all about how to be productive πŸ€ͺ. You know, just go take a walk. That's it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this blog post because I certaintly enjoyed writing it. Hopefully you will (and me. Who knows?) be able to follow this to become a master at productivity (is that even a word?!) Bye!


  1. Productivity IS a word and is my middle name! Lol! Great post Adele

  2. Love it!!! I'm still struggling to be productive everyday. Thanks for the tips. Absolutely love your ideas and writing. Let's be productive together!

  3. Duolingo!! I used it to learn a bit of Spanish too. I have to take your advice and try and read and maybe....write more :p


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